
You’re paying a tax you don’t even know about: the water rental fee

Yet another tax. It wouldn’t be so ridiculous if hey spent the money wisely.

Parker Gallant Energy Perspectives

And, it’s going up. And up.

December 21, 2016

A neighbour and good friend who farms in Prince Edward County kindly provided a copy of a recent issue of the Farmers Forum newspaper and pointed out an excellent article written by Angela Dorie, an agricultural writer and Jersey cattle farmer.  The article highlighted the “water rental fee” hidden in the electricity line on our bills to pay for the water used to generate electricity.  Dorie only realized the fee was there when journalist Paul Bliss of CTV brought it to light during a National News broadcast.

I recently wrote article on the fuel tax, suggesting a reduction of it was a way to offer relief to climbing electricity prices, but I didn’t examine how much the “water fuel tax” has risen over the past several years, or how much it has contributed to the province’s revenue.

As it turned out…

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